Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Odysseus' encounter with Aeolus and the situation leading up to the accident involving Aeolus's bag of wind, was beneficial,but at the same time a disadvantage. Odysseus is to blame because if he just told his men what was in the bag, they would have already been back home, but it's not like Odysseus expected them to open it. At the same time Odysseus' men are mainly to blame because Odysseus is there leader and there job is to listen to him. They should have complete trust in him. The fact that they were back home didn't seem to fulfill them enough. There wanting for more than they need gets the best of them, so they open the bag only to find, no gold, and no more Ithaca.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Dan. You're spot on when you say that the men want too much.
    Look up the difference between there, their, and they're, and edit your post with the corrections.
