Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I don't think it's ok to invade someones privacy. I think you sould only invade someones privacy if your trying to look out for that person. If you do invade someones privacy and find out something that your not supposed know, i think you sould keep it to yourself. Invading someones privacy only causes drama and a lack of trust between people. If it gets to the point were you have to invade someones privacy, then you proply souldn't even be around that person anymore. Some people care about there privacy more than others, so you sould be careful with what you say or know.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Torture in Shakspeare's England

Torture in Shakspeare's England was the result of the people disobeying the law. If people disobeyed the law they would be publicly tortured so that the rest of the people would be scared to disobey the law. They did this because most of the population was poor. The rich and middle class needed to torture otherwise the poor would overthrow the rich. Exicution was highest form of torture and was displayed publicly. The poor would relize that the rich wouldn't hesitate to kill, in order to attain power and order. If it wasn't displayed pulicly there would probly be more crimes. I think Corperal punishment effects the person it's getting done to. It also works best, if you have to get important information out of someone. I think Capital punishment only effects the people that see it being done or to people who know about it, because i wouldn't matter to the person it's getting done to because they'll be dead anyways. I don't think any of these forms work good in the long run because no matter what there's always going to be bad people and those bad people usually influence other bad people. I think spreading good is the only true way to reduce the amount of bad people in the world.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Favorite scene of the book is in book 5 when Ino saves Odysseus. Massive waves came crashing down on Odysseus and he got seperated from his raft. There was no fast way out, no struggling up from under the giant wave's, his clothing dragged him down. Half drowned he didn't forget his raft. Inos says strip off those clothes and leave your craft for the winds to hurl and swim for it now you must strike out with your arms for landfall there. I like this scene because i can relate to it. It was winter time and i took the train to atlantic city. I went there with my surfboard and a backpack. Once I got to the spot i like to surf i changed into my wetsuit. The winds were very strong and the waves were choppy and big. It took at least a half hour or more to get past the breakers, wave after wave came and took me under. Once one wave came another would be close by to take me under again. I would only have about a second to catch my breath before another came. I would have to ditch my board because the waves were to big and strong to duckdive under. I remember seeing about five to six waves coming towards me. I paddled as fast as i could to get under the first wave so that the rest of them wouldn't crash on me. I didn't make it past it so i had to hold my breath and pop up to the surface and take a breaths inbetween, waves. Once those waves past the waves calmed and i saw an opening. I got to were the lineup was and i rested on my board for awhile to catch my breath. My wetsuit is tight around the neck and it made the whole experience that much worse not to mention i makes your whole body feel heavier. After my brainfreaze when away and i found stregth to actually start surfing. Paddling made my arms feel like jello, but i managed to ride a couple lines without getting out of the line up and into the whitewash. However my luck didn't last to long because i caught a wave that made me realize how powerless i truly was out there.