Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Torture in Shakspeare's England

Torture in Shakspeare's England was the result of the people disobeying the law. If people disobeyed the law they would be publicly tortured so that the rest of the people would be scared to disobey the law. They did this because most of the population was poor. The rich and middle class needed to torture otherwise the poor would overthrow the rich. Exicution was highest form of torture and was displayed publicly. The poor would relize that the rich wouldn't hesitate to kill, in order to attain power and order. If it wasn't displayed pulicly there would probly be more crimes. I think Corperal punishment effects the person it's getting done to. It also works best, if you have to get important information out of someone. I think Capital punishment only effects the people that see it being done or to people who know about it, because i wouldn't matter to the person it's getting done to because they'll be dead anyways. I don't think any of these forms work good in the long run because no matter what there's always going to be bad people and those bad people usually influence other bad people. I think spreading good is the only true way to reduce the amount of bad people in the world.

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