Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Alchemist

The Alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho, is a story about life. I liked this story because i think it teaches you true things about life. I think everyone who understands the message of the story should read it and the people who don't, should try to understand it. I don't have much to say about it because I think it's perfect.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The job that im chosing is advertising design.
Finding information will be needed because understanding fully what you are advertising is needed in order to get a point across.
Imagining new solutions helps because it will set that solution apart and creates new ideas.
Reading volumes of material is helps because the more you know the better the outcome of a product.
Listening to others is important to find out what point there trying to get across.
Relating to the public is important because an advertisment is for the public.
Collaborating ideas is important so you can find the solution that best fits the product.
Analyzing problems are important because not all problems are clearly understood by everyone.
Taking personal reponsibility is important be its an independant job.
Creating meaningful and challenging work is important because the work wouldn't be meaningful if it weren't challenging.
Knowledge of community/government affairs is important because one persons views could cause change in the way we think about community and government.
Creating new ideas is important because it could cause a person to think and get newer ideas.
Coping with deadlines are important because if you wait to long the idea might be out dated and being on time is professional.
Displaying artistic ideas is important because it could make you think deeper.
Thinking of creative ideas are important because creativity creates.
Expressing feeling is important because people can relate.
Inventing new ideas are important because new turns into old.
Selling the product is important because thats the main idea.
Comprehending ideas are important because you can't express ideas clearly without comprehention.
Selling ideas are important because ideas are what the job is about.
Meeting new people is important because theres a lot to be learned from everyone and a it makes for a better understanding of how people are and how to treat them.
Picking out important information is important because selling useless information only distorts what your really trying to say.
Skillfully applying professional knowledge is important because it results in a professional peice of work that people would want to buy.